Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I recently bought the John Frieda Go Blonder shampoo, conditioner and repair creme serum, do they work?

I recently bleached my hair and it wasn't quite as light as I wanted, I'm hoping this might lighten my hair a shade without causing further damage. If anyone has any reviews on the products it would be helpful because on one website I saw people were saying it made their hair fall out, and don't want that when I've spent quite a lot of money on the products! Thanks.I recently bought the John Frieda Go Blonder shampoo, conditioner and repair creme serum, do they work?
I doubt it will make your hair fall out after just a few uses, especially because it contains no bleach or peroxide. The shampoo and conditioner contain a lightening complex of citrus and chamomile to enable blondes to gradually achieve that much desired subtle all-over highlighting effect. Try it a few times and see if it works for you, if it has damaging affects on the hair then discontinue use of it. Hope this helps.I recently bought the John Frieda Go Blonder shampoo, conditioner and repair creme serum, do they work?
you should try using Unicure Blue or Natural Shampoo only couple times a week along with Unicure Hair and Skin Conditioner 3-4+ times daily as both a leave in and wash out conditioner its grease less, perfume, fragrance, and color free. Works for EVERYTHING related to Hair Or Skin from Clearing Acne to Keeping hair healthy, shiny. Thick, dandruff free, and so much more... available at it has been around since 1973 formulated in the '50's in Denmark. The website has tons of beauty tips and testimonials plus was #1 selling hair conditioner in US and Canada they have a full line of hair care products. Definitely the best! and a very reasonable price about $5 a bottle 12oz.

Source(s): or tons of hair and skin tips
John Frieda is one of the most reliable and trusted brands throughout the world. If you are worried about these people who have experience hair loss, try and contact them, as they might have been using other products as well.

I use John Freida shampoo for curly hair and its amazing. If you are worried go to a salon and ask them, its free advice and it will help you with your descion.

If not, why dont you try dyeing your hair again? It wont damage it anymore as you have already used bleach.

I cant see how a shampoo will make your hair fall out, and especially repair serum..

Hope this helps :)

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